I haven't posted anything in a few weeks so I thought I'd put up some new pictures and give some updates. I have been interviewing for jobs which has been stressful but also great at the same time. Yesterday I had two interviews, one for a junior high (attitude much?) and one for a k-3 special day class. Not going to lie, the second one is my dream job. The interview went wonderfully and they invited me back to meet with the principal next week. They told me I was their pick. But, I'm being cautiously optimistic. I can't help feeling ridiculously excited but I'm trying not to think about it until I am actually offered the job in writing. Ryan and I were able to move some things into Jamie and Willies house which felt like a great start to the moving process. I still get a headache thinking about everything we have to move buuuuuut we have plenty of time and no jobs (yet) to get in the way of moving all our crap. This has been a long week. So far it's been interviews and moving, tomorrow people are coming up and I'm having my credential graduation, Friday even more people are coming up, Saturday is Kristen's graduation and grad party, and Sunday we are driving to the bay for Griffin and Kim's wedding shower. I'm ready for things to calm down a little bit. Anyway, here are some pictures from last week. On Thursday I went out with the girls from my credential program. I am seriously going to miss them all sooooooooooo much. They are all amazing and I can't wait to see where everyone ends up. We are already planning a wine tasting weekend for this summer. Friday we drove to the bay for Ryan's cousin Amanda's wedding. I'm terrible at remembering to take pictures so I'm hoping Ryan's mom can send me some pictures she took. She was actually getting some of Ryan dancing with me! Anyway...here are some pics...
Ry and I at the wedding
Ashley, Holly, Laura, Me, Angie, Michelle and Jill

Ashley, Holly, Laura, Me, Angie, Michelle and Jill