The weekend is finally calming down. Actually, it has been an insane week. It started last Monday. Ryan and I drove to Sacramento b/c I had two interviews on Tuesday. We figured we might as well load the cars with stuff to bring down. My first interview was seriously freaking me out. It was a 3 parter, an oral interview, a 20 minute lesson to junior high students and a written part. The interview went well, the lesson was difficult and the written part went well. It confirmed for me that I never want to teach junior high students. They are just kinda rude and have an attitude.
The second interview went a lot better. It was for Washington Unified School District in West Sacramento. The interview seemed to go well and I figured they would let me know within a few weeks or so. But at the end they said they really liked me and wanted me to meet the principal the following week. I was stoked, but still figured that was just part of the interview process. Then they said if that went well and my references checked out, then they would send my paperwork to HR and tell them I was their pick! I started freaking out a little, but acted calmly and told them I would see them next week. Everyone was telling me that it meant I was practically hired. But I didn't sign anything and they didn't say for sure, so I was being cautiously optimistic. Graduation came Thursday for my credential program, as well as my parents, Jamie and Willie. It was nice to go out to lunch with my parents. It felt like it had been a long time since I had seen them. The graduation ceremony was nice and we had a little after party with cookies for my whole Special Ed credential class and family.
Friday morning I woke up with a phone call from the lady I interviewed with at Washington Unified School District confirming my meeting with the principal that day at 2. I was like, uhhhhhhhhhhhh I have it scheduled for next Friday. And she apologized saying I was right and she was just so anxious to get everything started and that she is probably just going to send my stuff to HR because the principal trusts their judgement and that my references had nothing but great things to say about me. I GOT THE JOB!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!! It is a k-3 special day classroom with 10 students and 2 aides. I still can't believe it. I have a job! and it's exactly what I wanted. ahhhhhhhhhhh! They ordered all brand new curriculum so I will start training on that next week I believe. I will also go through an autism training as well. The school looks really nice, it is in the middle of a bunch of nice housing development. It just all seemes so surreal. I'm sooooo excited!
Anyway, on Friday Marika, Joe, Sally, Janelle, Mike, Kim, Griffin, Stephanie, Cesar and many more came to visit for Graduation weekend. Friday we went out to The Bear. I had soooooooooo much fun with everyone. Ryan and I counted and 18 people slept at our house that night. If you have been to our house you will know it is not very big. But believe it or not we even had room for more! Saturday we were all exhausted. It was Kristen's graduation and her grad party. The party was super nice at one of her friends parents house. Mike and Ryan went swimming the whole time. Then Sunday we drove to the bay for Kim and Griff's wedding shower. It was stunning. They had it set up so nice, I loved it. It was also really fun to see all of the friends from Pleasant Hill. It had been a long time. Of course I got all teary when their parents were giving speeches. I am soooo excited for their wedding in Oregon this August. They really are an amazing couple. As usual, I am terrible at remembering to take pictures. But I have some from the weekend and my graduation ceremony.