In my quest to lose a million pounds, I am constantly on the lookout for healthy alternatives to the foods I love. One of those foods being pancakes and waffles. Well, I found an awesome recipe to share. I call them power pancakes. I found the recipe on some health website, tried it out and instantly fell in love. Plus, I get to use my handy dandy Magic Bullet to make them. For some reason I really enjoy using that thing. Don't be fooled by the weird ingredients, they are delicious!
1/2 cup cooking oats (I had to call mom to make sure what these were, turns out its plain dry oatmeal, or at least thats what I use)
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 cup egg whites
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. splenda ( I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg for a box of splenda so I just use regular)
Mix in a blender until smooth. Cook like normal pancakes. Eat with fresh fruit or extra cinnamon or sugar on top. My favorite is with bananas, blueberries or strawberries. When cooking for myself, I cut the recipe in half. It is supposed to make around 4 pancakes. And the best part is it has 12 grams of protein!
p.s. that picture isn't mine, it is one I found online. Mine usually turn a little more brown because I cook it longer since I'm weird about my egg whites being cooked all the way.
I'd love to hear if anyone tried these and like them as much as I do!