Reasons why she is wonderful.....
1. She doesn't mind going slow or fast
2. She is always willing to go for a run. Always.
3. She has a smile on her face the whole time
4. She protects me from danger
5. She isn't competitive
6. She doesn't try to talk to me while we run (I don't know how people have full on conversations while working out)
7. She thanks me with a big kiss
8. She encourages me to go again the next morning. More like begs me.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
For those who don't know, I have to complete the PACT which is the Performance Assessment for California Teachers. It is also kicking my ass. I don't know what it is, but I am having such a hard time just sitting down and doing it. I have to write like a million pages and I really have no desire to work on it. It is frustrating when I think about all the stuff I have to do to become a teacher (CSET, CBEST, RICA and PACT) and then think about all the money I won't be making. It still boggles my mind that football players and actors get paid millions and millions of dollars to entertain people, yet teachers who are educating the future generations get paid crap. I know it shouldn't be about the money but let's be real, a girls gotta pay the bills somehow. Sometimes I wonder if I picked the right profession. But then I go to my school, and I see the kids and I realize how much I would rather be there helping them than sitting in some cubicle somewhere staring at a computer. Anyways, I'll stop babbling now. The real reason I'm blogging is to procrastinate doing my P.A.C.T. I should probably try doing some of it tonight.
Anyone know where I can buy one of these?
Anyone know where I can buy one of these?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
New Roomies?
So I believe we have found a solution to our living situation! I talked to my brother last night and we talked about renting a house together. He is going to join the sheriffs academy in Sacramento. This will be perfect. Not only do I love my brother and sister in law, but our rent will be sooo much cheaper and we will be able to get a more decent place than we were planning on. I also feel like this will give me the opportunity to make up for lost time with my brother. He has been in the navy for the last 5 years and I usually only get to see him a few times a year. Words honestly can't describe how incredibly proud of him I am. He has worked so hard in the navy and I know he is stressing about getting a job to support he and Bri and their future family. I know Ryan and I were looking forward to finally living on our own, just the two of us, no roommates, outside of Chico.....etc. Buuuuuut this is the next best thing. My brother and I haven't lived together for about 6 years now. The only thing that bothered me when we lived together was him taking ridiculously long showers and using all the hot water. I remember yelling at him under the door to hurry up and get out. lol. This makes me feel soooooo much less stressed. The interesting part will be finding a house that allows 4 cats and 1 dog. And we are also hoping Marley won't try to eat Jared and Bri's cats. I can't wait for the big move!
Friday, March 20, 2009
MmMmmm Delicious
I want to brag about an amazing dinner we made the other night. It is pretty much all vegetables and Ryan loved it! Ryan loving something that doesn't involve meat is unheard of. I added some artichoke hearts, feta cheese and some left over noodles to mine to give it an extra kick.
I'm adding this picture just because it is funny. Ryan has turned into quit the handy man lately. He and his dad put in wood floors in the dining room area. It was so simple, well I didn't do much, but it looked simple. And now he is working on painting most of the rooms before his parents rent out the house. This was a picture of what I came home to. He was covered in paint all over his clothes and slippers (for some reason he likes to paint in his old slippers) and had paint on his eyes. He is proving more and more he is good to have around haha. Especially if we ever own our own home and it needs some work.

He'd prob kill me for posting this last picture but what he doesn't know won't hurt him haha

I insisted we take a picture together because it felt like a date since we made dinner together and were eating the same thing. Usually if we make dinner together it is him heating up something and me making my own dinner. Don't mind the gross post work out hair and Ryan's half assed smile.
And this was my dessert! Blueberry puree over low fat vanilla ice cream. It was seriously heaven.
I'm adding this picture just because it is funny. Ryan has turned into quit the handy man lately. He and his dad put in wood floors in the dining room area. It was so simple, well I didn't do much, but it looked simple. And now he is working on painting most of the rooms before his parents rent out the house. This was a picture of what I came home to. He was covered in paint all over his clothes and slippers (for some reason he likes to paint in his old slippers) and had paint on his eyes. He is proving more and more he is good to have around haha. Especially if we ever own our own home and it needs some work.
He'd prob kill me for posting this last picture but what he doesn't know won't hurt him haha
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Power Pancakes

In my quest to lose a million pounds, I am constantly on the lookout for healthy alternatives to the foods I love. One of those foods being pancakes and waffles. Well, I found an awesome recipe to share. I call them power pancakes. I found the recipe on some health website, tried it out and instantly fell in love. Plus, I get to use my handy dandy Magic Bullet to make them. For some reason I really enjoy using that thing. Don't be fooled by the weird ingredients, they are delicious!
1/2 cup cooking oats (I had to call mom to make sure what these were, turns out its plain dry oatmeal, or at least thats what I use)
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 cup egg whites
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. splenda ( I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg for a box of splenda so I just use regular)
Mix in a blender until smooth. Cook like normal pancakes. Eat with fresh fruit or extra cinnamon or sugar on top. My favorite is with bananas, blueberries or strawberries. When cooking for myself, I cut the recipe in half. It is supposed to make around 4 pancakes. And the best part is it has 12 grams of protein!
p.s. that picture isn't mine, it is one I found online. Mine usually turn a little more brown because I cook it longer since I'm weird about my egg whites being cooked all the way.
I'd love to hear if anyone tried these and like them as much as I do!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Miss Olsen

So I thought I would post a little about my teaching experience so far. I love teaching in the special ed classroom. There are definately things I would do differently in my classroom but I am learning soooo much. I don't know how I will possibly remember everything. I know I bitch and complain about all the things I have to do for the program and to get my credential but it is seriously all worth it. I can't picture myself doing anything else. The students make it absolutely worth it. It is never boring and I am laughing constantly. Don't get me wrong, they can drive you crazy but the good outweighs the bad. One of my favorite things to do is just talk to them. They have the most wild, sometimes made-up, stories. I wish I could sit and listen to everything they have to say. Their views and opinions really are fascinating. But unfortunately, there is not enough time in the day and I frequently have to cut them off and ask them to tell me the rest at recess, even though most of the time it is forgotten. I thought I would post some funny stories about my experiences with the kids in my special education classroom.
* I have a student who is emotionally disturbed and bi-polar. Even with that, she has the highest confidence I have seen in a student. Everyday I get updates about her Tropicana Beauty contest she will be in this summer. Here are some of our conversations (mind you, she just turned 10 years old):
Student: What day is it Miss Olsen?
Miss Olsen: It's Tuesday, why?
Student: Oh good, I'm getting spray tanned on Wednesday.
Student: Miss Olsen, I think you should have me in your teaching video.
Miss Olsen: Oh really?
Student: Yeah, because my head looks really pretty from behind.
Yes, she was dead serious! Oh, and today we were talking about roller blading and she said she can't rollerblade for 2 months because her mom said if she gets a scrap or bruise before the competition then she is out. I felt like it was the real life Toddlers and Tiaras.
Another hilarious conversation is with one of my 3rd grade students. She has this cute little nasaly voice. We were drawing pictures with circles and she made a moon. The conversation went as follows:
Student: There! I gave my moon a mustache!
Miss Olsen: Oh, cool. He looks good.
Student: I gave him a mustache because he is Mexican. He is a Mexican moon with a mustache.
Miss Olsen: (holding in my laughter) Well you know that just because he has a mustache doesn't mean he has to be Mexican. Lots of people have mustaches and aren't Mexican.
Student: (looking at me like i'm crazy) Oh no, Miss Olsen, If you have a mustache that means your Mexican. He is a Mexican moon.
Needless to say, she wasn't going to budge. In her mind Mustaches=Mexican. And there was no changing that fact.
This last one was just too cute, I have to share. Somehow we got on the subject about the school and who owns the school. I was listening as the students were discussing who they think owns the school. I think someone might have mentioned the principal which would be a normal response from a student. Then someone said, "I think Dave owns the school." I had to ask who Dave was and found out that good ol' Dave is the custodian. I thought it was sooooo funny she thought the custodian owned the school. It makes sense, she sees him going around fixing everything, and people going to him all the time. I'm sure there will be many more to come. The students keep me entertained all day.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hello hot...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Quarter Life Crisis
Is there even such a thing as a quarter life crisis? Better yet, seeing as how I just turned 24, is there such thing as a pre-quarter life crisis? If there is, I think I am going through one. For the past 5 years my life has been pretty planned out. I knew for the most part where I was going to be living, Chico, and what I was going to be doing, going to school. Not only am I completely stressed out with finishing school and going through all the hoops I have to jump through to become a teacher, but I find myself on the verge of entering the real world and I am terrified. What if I can't find a job? What if I get a job and the kids are so out of control I lose my mind? What if I ruin them for life? It can happen, I saw a Dr. Phil about some kid who went on a killing spree because he didn't like his teacher from 4th grade. I like to think I'm a likeable person but you never know what a kids going to do these days.And then there is Ryan. He is working so hard to find a job and I know he is feeling like he is failing because he hasn't found one yet. It's this damn economy. He is competing with people with like 10 years experience! It's plain nuts.
So to try and get organized I started looking for a place to live in the Sac area last night. It is somewhat difficult because we have Marley, so we need to rent a house with a yard. Not so easy to find a cheap, decent place that allows dogs. Then I was looking at the applications and they said you need to prove that you make at least 3 times the rent per month. Yikes. Double yikes considering we are both unemployed. We're screwed. Hey, there's always moving back in with mom and dad! On a lighter note, I found out a school district in Roseville is hiring a special ed teacher and they are going to be at the job fair next month. This would be perfect! I would absolutely love to work in Roseville.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Straight Up Mayo
So my first blog is going to be extremely random. Ryan and I were just about to settle down and watch a movie when I look over and he is eating laughing cow cheese. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the stuff......mixed with something else. I like to eat it with celery or in mac n cheese. But he eats it plain. Right out of the wrapper. I seriously feel like dry heaving. I told him it reminds me of eating mayo straight up. Y-uck. Yes, I realize this is a weird thing to blog about but believe it or not ladies and gentlemen, or whoever may be reading my blog, this is the story of my life. Feel free to get out while you still can if this useless info doesn't entertain you. Phew, he is done. Time to watch Caddyshack. Goodnight.
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