This weekend we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday to make sure everyone could come. The guests of honor were my cousin Kathleen and her babies, Maximo and Sophia. Yes, I know they aren't fathers and we were celebrating Father's Day but they are the first babies in my family in a long long time. So when they come everyone surrounds them and wants to hold them. They are seriously the cutest and best behaved babies ever. Kathleen is hilarious and is coming to visit Sac in a couple weeks. Super excited for that as well. I think I want a baby soon. Like really soon. Luckily I have Ryan to tell me no or else we would have lil baby Outlaw's running around. My mom was good this time and didn't start crying when she saw me holding one of the babies. She is dying to be a grandma. Her and my dad are going to be such awesome grandparents, I can't wait. I think my bro and sis in law are a few steps ahead of Ryan and I considering they are married and what not. They need to hurry up and make me an

I love the picture of my dad and Maximo. It just makes me think about when he will be a grandpa. His eyes lit up when he was holding him. I love seeing grown men and babies. It is just adorable. If only Ryan were there! He still gets nervous holding babies. It's good practice though. I'll prob make him hold them when they come visit in a few weeks. It's funny bc he gets uncomfortable and worried about the baby.