So I had my phone interview today. I think it went well, and am hoping they contact me to come in for an in person interview. I hate it though because I can't stop thinking about "maybe I should have said this..." or "maybe I should have added that..." I need to just stop thinking about it, apply for more jobs and see what happens. Ryan has a phone interview tomorrow morning with an insurance company. I think he does better with interviews than I do, he seems to be more calm about the whole thing whereas I freak out because of nerves. He also has an interview with Kohls on Thursday. He is not so excited about that one. But I told him, a job is a job. Anything will be good at this point. He is really hoping something comes out of the insurance one because it has a lot of opportunities to move up within the company. So keep him in your thoughts this week!
On another note, I only have 2 weeks left of student teaching! 2 flippin weeks! I can't believe how fast this semester has gone by. After student teaching I'll be doing a job shadow at a high school for a week and a half then bam! I'm done! I'm also waiting for my score for my P.A.C.T. It should be anytime now. Oh and Ryan and I decided to buy some tennis rackets and play yesterday It was sooo fun and a great workout. Not to brag or anything, but I beat him pretty bad. He is usually good at every sport so I'm sure once he gets used to it he will start beating me everytime. It was nice to find something different to do for exercise. Hopefully we will keep it up. Our living situation has changed as well. My brother decided to stay in the bay, so that means we will be moving in with............WILLIE and JAMIE!!!! I'm so excited. I lived with Jamie for three years and it was amazing. And the four of us lived together at one point in our old apartment. This time if will be in a house with 4 cats and a dog. They are doing us a huge favor. This will alleviate a ton of stress of finding a house or apartment to live in. So thank you Jamers and Wilson! I have missed Jamie a ton since she moved to Sacramento so it will be nice to go back to running around town doing errands for hours on Saturdays and Sundays. One more month and we will be official residents of Sacramento! Super old picture of the four of us.